Creative Mom

I am a 49 year old Mom with a teen.
I work part time which allows me to have time to do what I love.
I like to do things that are expressive such as creating meals, planting small boxed gardens, the outdoors, nature, singing and art.
Drawing, collage from magazines and of course Blinging.

Also I just want to thank all of you that vote on my art so I can receive badges.
I appreciate it.
I am looking to connect with others on here around my age especially in Oregon.

Contact me.


My Mom died of Colon Cancer

----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your 
---|||---|||---Blingee Site If 
---|||---|||---You Know 
-----\\///-----Who Died
----///--\\\-- Alzheimers

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 7
  • Distintivos: 109
  • Blingees de ouro: 86
  • Blingees de prata: 298
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 3,067
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Girl awaiting
Racoons in snow
Exibir mais



tinamnd disse:

152 dias atrás
It's waiting on the photo editor and its a members only website.
After signing up you need to go to the memberships page.
You can sign up for Amethyst its free.
I can let you know when its launched.

gamecube51 disse:

152 dias atrás
It's hard to navigate the sight.

gamecube51 disse:

158 dias atrás
 I would love to know more about the site you mentioned.

tinamnd disse:

371 dias atrás
Thank you for your response.
I am building a site similar but everything updated.
Would you be interested in knowing about it when it's up and running?

joyful226 disse:

371 dias atrás
I know no response at all. I do which that would come to run this so then we could make blingees to make every happy. I do some on picmix but I can't send them to people on NOTH (not over the hill) So not sure what to do about that. So sad.

tinamnd disse:

377 dias atrás
It just doesn't seem like it to me.
No updates, so we can still make blingees and no automated response from them when you go into contact.
It seems it's on auto pilot.

elanor1 disse:

377 dias atrás
I can't tell you this, why?

wilfried1947 disse:

919 dias atrás
ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥♥♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥ ♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥♥♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ  
Creating blingees is still possible. Please read my profile page or the text under my Blingee. Would be happy if you visit us sometime, we are about 30 members creating Blingees:
ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥♥♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥ ♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ ♥♥♥ ﭼﺡﻶﮎﺦ

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