
i am 11 years old.well i lov to make anime stories and drawings and i made a drawing and her name is Suki and she has a huge crush on Shikamaru but the problem is that shes from the village hidden in sound so she works for Oro and she was bit when she was 10.(She 13 years old now.)She looks like me with the brown hair and brown eyes and back glasses.She is also the cousin of Sasuke Uchiha so she also has the Sharingan (the Sharingan she has is on my page,its my backround)In battle she use`s her two blades and her drawing`s (i know that part sounds a bit like Sai)She also fights with her K-9 dog Miyo (based on my real dog called Sparky and looks the same as Akamaru.)She tends to go to Konoha for walk but is careful not to be saw by some one.She also a lot like Kabuto with the heal and more.She also kinda like`s to hang out with the boys. !!!! HER JUSTU`S: Shinging star justu,Ice cold justu,Twin blade jutsu,Itching scream justu,Fearing joy justu,water slash justu. Her best friend is :Zane(7lucario7) Her Past :she always lived on the streets treated like drit because of her demon in side of her which is a water serpent.Her mom was always nice to her but her dad was mean at one point her dad killed her mom and tryed to kill her but she left with her dog miyo before he had a chance.So she lived homeless for a while in till she was 10 and she bumped in to Orochimaru he changed her life made it better and before he bit her he said "let me show you a who new world." she nodded yes and he bit her.From that day she lived as kinda Orochimarus daughter.She helped do a lot of stuff for him.She is also smart like Shikamaru but not that smart.She is always trying to learn ways of takeing over what ever she needs to take over.Present:She still lives with Orochimaru same life just better she now seeks to kill her father for what he did to her mom.She also like to play around with the person she is battleing.But during bad times she is dead serious. 

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 13
  • Blingees de ouro: 1
  • Blingees de prata: 3
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 11
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

kewl pic of me
cute goth boy
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