Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 2
  • Distintivos: 71
  • Blingees de ouro: 26
  • Blingees de prata: 28
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 97
  • Cartões postais: 7

Meus itens em competições

Честита 2015та МВ!
Честита 2015та МВ!
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DidoLGfresh disse:

4158 dias atrás
Actually I am a prince not princess :D

makasalaad disse:

4158 dias atrás
hello princees and thank you for being in my cirle request!!!!!! can you sent me a gift to celebrate!!!

TheGuardians disse:

4221 dias atrás
Happy Halloween! ^_^
This is for everybody in my friends circle,thanks for the friend request or for accepting my friend request.

AnimeFan456 disse:

4232 dias atrás
Hello, thx for you the friendship accept!^^

do you speak english or german?^^

stargate27 disse:

4325 dias atrás
If you are an animal friend, then please speak up against this injustice:

Please read the story and then send a mail to the adres in the text.

Thank you!

And please spread the word!  They can use all the support they can get!


TheGuardians disse:

4329 dias atrás
Can you please join my group?
(Fun And Entertaining)


stargate27 disse:

4369 dias atrás
If you can, please join my CHIBI challenge!

Hugs and kisses

saiya0subaki disse:

4433 dias atrás
HEY! Check out the April Icon contest in ANIME YAY!!! voting starts on the 2end of April and end on the seventh, winner will be anounced on the 8th of April. I hope to see your amazing blingees^^

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