

Nanoue53 пишет:

5389 дней назад
Hi Dawn thanks for all lovely comments
will make a blingee for you as soon as ican get caught up on all comms and ratings... have a nice day love ya xxxxxx

Nanoue53 пишет:

5392 дня назад
Hi Dawnmarie does 825 mean your bd was a few days ago? if so well sorry missed it!
Glad you are back missed you luv xxxx

Nanoue53 пишет:

5397 дней назад
Hey Dawn several days no news are you oK?
I do care you know well we had a heat wave here and that was terrible for aches and pains so maybeyou had it too..Anyhow 
thinking of you get back when you can luv ya,

Nanoue53 пишет:

5406 дней назад
Hi Dawnmarie, thanks for all the lovely comments got more of yours to rate and comment will do this am good day love ya

punky7 пишет:

5406 дней назад
Aww Dawn, thank you so much for all your lovely comments:) So how have you been?

starfire274 пишет:

5406 дней назад
Thanks for the comments! Hope to see more of you. :)
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Sleep, Princess, Sleep

создатель: jessixox602

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