Get to know me!!!

Hi I'm Zully, I LUV 2 dance and have fun
when I get highper I can't stop jumping around!!!
I'm very active and I LUV 2 play volleyball,and go ahead and add me  thats if u want!!!!!

♥_♥___♥_♥_ Put this                 
_♥___♥___♥_ on your
__♥_____♥__ page if
___♥___♥___ you love
____♥_♥____ someone     
_____♥ ____


_ __¶¶__¶¶_____________
__ _¶¶__________________
___¶ ¶__¶¶_¶¶__¶¶________
____¶¶¶ ¶__¶¶__¶¶________                                               
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____¶______________ _____¶¶¶¶¶¶_____      

                                       Girls are like apples

                                on trees. The best ones

                               are at the top of the tree.

                             The boys don't want to reach

                           for the good ones because they

                        are afraid of falling and getting hurt.

                      Instead, they just get the rotten apples

                        from the ground that aren't as good,

                      but easy. So the apples at the top think

                      something is wrong with them, when in

                         reality, they're amazing. They just

                           have to wait for the right boy to

                              come along, the one who's

                                     brave enough to

                                           climb all

                                            the way

                                           to the top

                                          of the tree

                       all girls copy and paste this to your page

_______0000000000000________0000000000000_________ ______000000000000000000__000000000000000000_______ ____000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_____ ___00000000000000___000000000___0000000000000000___ __000000000000000___000000000___00000000000000000__ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000___000000000___000000000000000000_ _0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_ _0000000000___000000000000000000000___000000000000_ __000000000___000000000000000000000___00000000000__ ___000000000___0000000000000000000___00000000000___ _____000000000___000000000000000___00000000000_____ _______00000000____00000000000____0000000000_______ __________0000000_______________000000000__________ _____________0000000000000000000000000_____________ ______________000000000000000000000_______________ __________________000000000000000__________________ ____________________0000000000________________ ______________________000000_______________________ _______________________0000________________________ ________________________00_________________________

i ♥ мч giяls
     i ♥ sнoppiиg
     i ♥ мusic
     i ♥ laugнiиg (=

¯[♥] -- Tнiiѕ Pαgє iiѕ Aℓℓ Aвσυт мє //x
[O] -- Dит Liiкє iiт ??
[♥] -- Pяєѕѕ Tнє Liil 'χ' --
[O] -- Tσρ Rigнт Of Yα S¢яєєи //x

♥ . . ι ℓσνє мα вίтснes. . ♥ .
Renatta, Fritzie, &,Becky 

  *  *       *  * 
 *      *   *      *
 *       * *       *
  *       *       * 
    *   *
      *       *
        *   *
         * *

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..............¶¶¶¶................¶..¶¶ huh


  • Times In the Spotlight: 0
  • Badges: 8
  • Gold Blingees: 1
  • Silver Blingees: 17
  • Stamp Contributions: 0
  • Postcard Contributions: 0

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jazmarakkar says:

5076 days ago
thanks my new friend....
h r u 
how is life 
wt r u doing......
any way have a good day....and good life

sasuke_yoite says:

5321 days ago

SuiNagiKanaYoite says:

5324 days ago

TPainzChik says:

5828 days ago
 Hey!  What up, Zully?  I love yo name!  That's so pretty, ha!  

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