BubbleGirl209's Profile

 Hi!!! Here is a little about me:

1) I luv 2 swim!!! it is soooooo fun!!!
2) Carrie Underwood= Awesome!!!
3) What i like about you, could watch it all day!!!
4) I currently have my "a" time in the 11-12 50 fly!!!
5) Shopping is Fab-U-las!!!
6) I am VERY talkitive!!! I could talk all day!!!
7) I have a great taste in style!!!
8) I love candy!!! It is awesome!!!
9) Pasta is my favorite kind of food!!!
10) I disslike Chineese and Mexican food.


  • Spotlight掲載回数: 0
  • バッジ: 1
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 0
  • スタンプ貢献度: 0
  • ポストカード: 0


Carrie Underwood
Amanda Bynes


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