Make Music For The People

Make Music For The People
I can't draw, sing, dance, be a model, write music, write poetry...nor can I make up quotes that become a part of American history (that's why I use the quotes and lyrics of others). But, if I could do would be something that inspires people for free. I wouldn't charge someone for inspiration or for something that'll make their life better (even knowledge). Music can save lives...its dramatic but, its true. Whitney Houston's 'Miracle' saved mine in the teen years. So, if I could do anything if would be to write songs or to motivate people to live to their full potential. Life has been hard on me but, I still plan on doing more than surviving it. ~Deiona (Made 2009 w/o edit
creado por: TheArtofH...

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Sellos de Blingee utilizados

Se han usado 10 gráficos para crear esta foto "music for the world".
Simple Black Pattern
Animated Background~Newfiebeauty~
Black overlay
goth  ||♥♥anna25marco♥♥||
White clouds overlay
landscape sky clouds lightning ocean goth
frau woman ludmilla1959



KMBJTH dice:

hace 4427 días
This is so creative and fantastic!! I love how your words are so inspiring and I do love music as well. It soothes the soul!! Good luck in the challenge and Happy Easter!!

románticaperdida dice:

hace 4428 días
Hermosa profesión. Gracias a los que creais música llenamos nuestras vidas de sueños e inspiración...adoro la música desde que era niña, soñaba con ser cantante podría imaginar el mundo sin música, no podría vivir sin música...

TheArtofHappi... dice:

hace 4428 días
The balls that the woman are juggling in the back are weights that represent time. The woman gets stronger over time and with the help of music. (Common, Lupe, Kanye West, Lauryn Hill, Eve, Talib, 2Pac, Kendrick Lamar, K-OS, Panacea, Foreign Exchange)

The woman in the front plays the music for the woman in the background. Her goal is to make people stronger. 

Ya dig? Can you dig it?  Can I dig it? 

TheArtofHappi... dice:

hace 4428 días
Thank you SO MUCH Weinhex and Moon Princess. I JUST got your comments. I never really read my comments thinking I'm getting "super"..."great" but, I always comment people who comment. I love getting words of encouragement from people. Its makes me feel like this world isn't filled with lunatic's. God bless you for the <3, it lasts longer than the hate I get from perpetrators. I have doubts of faith from stress but, love makes me stronger. Hate does too but, God Bless you. Music heals me, too

TheArtofHappi... dice:

hace 4428 días
I like your's, too Goobster.
Looks like you're a mad scientist.

I liked The other one I saw of someone who said they are a tutor. Looks like a creepy tutor that you hear about in the mews these days but, its honest.

"Art is life, life is art...the question is...which came first?" ~Lady Gaga 

gooblegirl dice:

hace 4430 días
wow such a beautiful blingee, love it!!

sburkss dice:

hace 4431 días
Wonderful creation!  Very inspiring words!!  Hugs and kisses, Shawn

weinhex dice:

hace 4432 días
Your profession is to motivate people to go foreward and to not give up !!! Your power inspires and gives everyone a kick to go on. Thank you for this beautiful blingee and your words written to it.

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