I Walk Alone On A Thousand Mile Empty Highway - Don't Enter My Highway - Elarn03

I Walk Alone On A Thousand Mile Empty Highway - Don't Enter My Highway - Elarn03
I walk alone on a thousand mile empty highway. - The other one I made said the same as what this one does, as this shows a straight road, but it's covered by the desert sun. - The last one, was an unpredictable road and it was dark. I like the dark road better. That's really what I was thinking of. I was thinking of walking on a motor way on a long distance drive. It was 1 o'clock in the morning. No cars are coming past. There are no head lights. No lights at all. - Imagine it: a thousand mile motorway, where it's only you walking and there are no lights and it's pitch black. That is the life I choose to live. I want to walk on a dark, unpredictable, empty road alone. I don't want anyone with me. All I want is to live my life alone. - Some people think it's a horrible thing to be alone. Some people think it's the best thing to be alone and only have one friend. - I'm one of those people that think being alone and only having one friend is the best thing in the world. - The person behind the dead trees is me. Well, it represents me. The trees are are blocking you from running after me. - One of the stamps on blingee say that hardest thing about walking away mean is that the person you're walking away from doesn't care enough to stop you or run after you. I look at it a different way. "The hardest part about walking alone is when you look to your side, someone is there." and another way, "The second hardest part of walking alone is when you know someone is running after you." - I get so sad when I want to walk alone and there is someone beside me. It upsets me a lot. Khyana is the only person I let walk by my side. - I walk alone on a thousand mile empty highway. - Elarn03.
criado por: Elarn03

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

5 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "i walk alone".
♥ Road,Highway ♥  [ORIGINAL made by crissandy]
Walking Away!  **db**
forest tree dead ©dK
name text Elarn03 Louise♥♥
white tv static use with pen, fill bucket or u can add on :D



lousei disse:

4851 dias atrás
             Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒbeautyful .
Thank you for adding this blingee in my group Inspirational Quotes. You can add as many blingees as you want to.

Chris665 disse:

4894 dias atrás
super top 5

gartenomi disse:

4898 dias atrás
________nur noch zwei Tage,
________-:¦:- -:¦:-dann ist das jahr 
________╠╣_██_.zu ende.
________╠╣‹(•¿•)›.Mach sie dir 
________╠╣..(█)...fantastisch schön.
________╠╣.../ I ... ♥
________♣♥   =Bussi=  Gabi

rjaysmommy disse:

4898 dias atrás

Yvonall disse:

4898 dias atrás
(....).... Oooo….	
..\_)..... )../....	
.......... (_/.....
¡¡¡¡VERY COOL!!!

lammy55 disse:

4899 dias atrás

lousei disse:

4899 dias atrás

sunshinemausi66 disse:

4899 dias atrás
 *•. .•*Happy New Year 2011
 /.•*•.\ ☆•*¨*•.¸¸☆☆¸.•**•☆
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