Tabata (:

Hello beautiful, it's 7:05 in Australia, and I'm so bored with these Games, I've been to the Year 3000 while I was there I went to Hollywood saying Nick J is off the Chain. I wish I were Mandy so I could have 6 Minutes with you. Don't Tell Anyone, but I hope you Appreciate me saying I have a Crazy Kinda Crush on You. Please be Mine for Eternity. Hold On, I'm Still In Love With You. When You Look Me in the Eyes, we're Inseparable. This is an SOS, because you're What I Go to School For, Don't Walk Away because you Just Don't Know it. I Will be the Light, even if we're Just Friends. I can't Take a Breath because I Wan'na Be like You. Don't blame me if I'm Wrong Again .....I might be an Underdog, but I Am What I Am. You're helping Poor Unfortunate Souls and I know we're talking about the Kids Of The Future now but we can take it One Day at a Time. I know it could be a while before you say "Please Be Mine" and "you're the Girl Of My Dreams" because it might be A Little Bit Longer before you know that I don't want to Move On, but Hey, We're Gonna be Alright because We Got the Party with Us. Well, That's Just the Way We Roll. It's Time For Me to Fly so Goodnight and Goodbye!! 


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