

All Twilight lovers join this group and enjoy seeing blingees made by other Twilightholics!!

  • Fundador: Miss_Alic...
  • Número de miembros: 12
  • Número de Blingees: 32
¡Únete a este grupo!
Hello Twilight fans!  
Thank you for joining my group!
Please, please, please add some cool blingees and comments!

I have a few ground rules for ya'll:

1) No arguing.

2) Be happy and talk to everyone.

3)Have fun!

4) You must LOVE Twilight!!!!! <3<3

My fave Twilight series quote is: 'You held out your hand and I took it without stopping to think about what I was doing.  For the first time in almost a century, I felt hope.'  Jasper Hale.
Tell me what your fave is!

So, have fun and add blingees!  XD

Foro del grupo

Actualizado por: JasminDragon92, hace 5373 días
mensajes: 3
Actualizado por: Miss_Alice_Ma..., hace 5489 días
mensajes: 5