

I can't wait to see everyone's artwork with lighthouses!! I usually don't disqualify anyone BUT when I say no names please I mean no names in title or on artwork. That's my only rule so please comply. Also when you vote PLEASE vote on the artwork NOT your friends!! THANKS

  • État: Le gagnant a été annoncé!
  • Date de fin: April 21, 2018
  • Qui peut voter: Seul(e)s les inscrit(e)s
  • Blingees qualifiés: Seuls les nouveaux Blingees
  • Inscriptions maximales par utilisateur(-trice): 4
  • Nombre de candidats: 130
  • Créé par: rainbowgyrl

#1. Gagnant!

Visit to the lighthouse - Visite au phare
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