Butterfly Tears

Butterfly Tears
My name was Raquela. I was born a princess in the Land of Mazadona which is the Kingdom of the Eternal Butterflies. My mother was the queen who died giving birth to me. My father was the king who was murdered by my jelouse uncle, King Richmund IV. I was 15 years old with my birthday very near, and I was just now learning how to rule a kingdom. So many vital laws that had to be upheld in this place. Each one was designed by my father. There were 3 laws of the utmost importance: 1. NEVER kill a butterfly. 2. NEVER hurt a butterfly. 3. NEVER cross over to the human relm. Law number three was created for my safety, because according to my father I was quite the little adventurer. It was a summer morning, the Eve of my birthday and the eve of my corination. Beautiful as always with the Summer Butterflies flying high in the sky. My uncle's rule over the kingdom was ending because my birthday was near. My fathers will left me the kingdom when I turn 16. I knew there were always suspicions that my uncle must of poisened my father instead of my father having a stroke in the great dining hall, but I thought they were rubish, mindless and cruel gossip. I was wrong. The eve of my birthday my uncle asked me ride with him outside of the castle walls, for he was tired of the same courtyard. I willingly went with him eager to leave myself. He took his trusted apprentice, Jared, with us. We walked to the stable to get our horses. As I was getting my horse from his stable Jared came and tied me to his horse. My uncle was already on his and started saying "You will not take this kingdom from me!" Both of them rode of with me tied to the back of horse. They stopped at a place I didn't reconize but they seemed to. It was a strange pond lit glowing. It seemed that it had no end to how deep it was. My uncle untied me and pushed me forward. Jared's hand grab my hands and pins them to my back. He picked my up as if I was a very light bolder. He threw me straight into the hole of the pond. I couldn't find my way up. I could still breath but everything was turning black around me. I saw with the last glow of light left in my eys that my uncle and Jared had fled. The last that I heard Jared speak was while I was in the air. He said the words "human world." So this mysterious pond must be the gateway to the human world I thought. So now I can never return home, for all legends I was taught say that there is only way through a portal. My eyes close for a moment, or so I thought. The next I see is when I wake up on a rough surface. Sand? Yes and I am laying near water. A beach? Yes. So I ended up hear. I start to cry. I never will return to my life. What lie has my evil uncle told about my disipearence? Has he killed Jared to keep his secret? Probably. I crawled into the nearest cave and stay there crying and asking myself all these questions. I see the sunrise. As I the sun I see something odd. A butterfly. A beuatiful butterfly in so many wonderful and glorious colors. I stop crying and think to myself what a wonderful creature. I begin to cry again with tears of joy and pain. Night flows slowly and I begin to fall into an eternal sleep. The eteranl sleep of the butterflies. With my last thought I think that I still have Butterfly Tears.
gemaakt door: Symone101

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

11 graphics were used to create this "butterfly" picture.
Filigran Butterfly AT
ozdoby transparent deco
Black Beads Deco karen0428
TLO, Background  transparent
kisses black
TLO, Background  transparent
 klar transparent frame border
Black Swirl Border
heaart barb wire
68. SPIRAL CREATIONS "Soullight Mirrors"



giu-titta zegt:

5406 dagen geleden
OMG. *C*

HardyGirl89 zegt:

5406 dagen geleden
just WOW!!

CaseyCharlie zegt:

5406 dagen geleden
awesome! i enjoyed reading the story!

purple_moon zegt:

5585 dagen geleden
That was beautiful!Love it!Ur great at it keep doing it!^_^*

Ercassiel zegt:

5587 dagen geleden
Absolutely gorgeous~

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