Booty Bay

Booty Bay
A imagem "the green bay packers" foi criada usando o editor de fotos on-line gratuito Blingee. Crie artes digitaisincríveis dos seus tópicos favoritos: celebridades, animê, emô, gótico, fantasia,imagens de época, etc.
criado por: mystique1155

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35 Votos.

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

32 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "the green bay packers".
pirate scrap-mystique1155
Reflection Made by karen0428
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate ship
»Transparent Gold Glitter«
seagulls animated gif
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
treasure chest gold shining light gif ( angelgold25 )
pirate scrap-mystique1155
jungle scrap mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
Dog in costume
summer scrap mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
summer scrap mystique1155
pirate scrap-mystique1155
summer scrap mystique1155



gooblegirl disse:

2794 dias atrás
this is so super cute. how can anyone rate is lower than a 5. It's perfect!

asildefou disse:

2830 dias atrás

soave disse:

2840 dias atrás

These are 6 stars photoshop brushes and I like a lot, I already used for animations.You can also download to your GIMP, I did.

soave disse:

2840 dias atrás
p.s You could create new t-shirts for your sweet Mireya :)

soave disse:

2840 dias atrás
I'm experimenting with brushes, but this I had already learned before.This option can also be used to add new elements to your image.If you have a blank, or you do not like for a moment I create a brush.You can do this permanently in "CBR" format or momentary.Sometimes it is very useful,this can also be done with photoshop but now I prefer to do it with gimp.

I found this for you, in roughly that's what I was explaining.

soave disse:

2840 dias atrás
Hello, Killa!
I saw that my badges are increased by 2,then it means that there are now new badges,because for second time I win top 10 anime.It does not matter because we just believe in this ranking.So many times I do not watch either the final results.Your women for the challenge are beautiful, you should not have to apologize for anything.I still lack a blingee for the challenge.Yesterday I downloaded some backgrounds that seem suitable for them.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I.M.S.T. disse:

2846 dias atrás
♥♥♥♥*****¡ Beautiful composition! *****♥♥♥

korolek1976 disse:

2849 dias atrás
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

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