New Jersey part. 7 + 8

New Jersey part. 7 + 8
part.7 Over at the school came the sweetest boy of the class over and asked me "if I wanted to on a date" and I replied "yes". I made me ready for my date when I saw Nick was in his room, so I took a brick-and wrote "hey" and kept it up in front of my window and he saw it and took a pad and wrote "hey" back to me and he also asked "why I was so finely dressed" and I replied "it is because I am going on a date" "okay fat enough," he wrote. In one way or another so sorry it out and I asked "what's wrong" and he replied "that he was fine" but I could see that he was slightly wounded. Is at 19:00 and the doorbell rings, "Maddison hey where do you look good" "thanks and just manner." We had come out on the residual uranium and had ordered our food, we sat and talked and I found out that I would not be more than friends with him. part.8 Since Daten were skut I was forced to tell the truth to him and hope that he will take it well and not getting angry and go away. "Kasper I have to tell you something" "yes what is the Maddison" Kasper my sins that we just be friends and nothing more than that, "he wait around and went his way. I went up to my room and hoped that Nick was in his room, he was and I asked him whether "he would come out of the hedge" and he replied "okay". I went to the bush and he was already there. "When how did your date then?" "It went very well until I told him my sins that we should just be friends" when he was so sour and went? "" Yes he did "yes" you said Nick something "" no not at all "okay and I know that you were a little hurt when I said that I was on a date" "yea okay I did but I could of course have even asked you whether you would on a date with me" " you would on a date with me "" yea who would not it. "
creado por: XDsandyxD

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