The Legend of the Dogwood

The Legend of the Dogwood
A story is told of long, long ago... It was ordered of the woodcutters to find the strongest tree of the forest. In the time that Jesus walked among men, the Dogwood was the tallest, strongest tree...much the size of our mighty Oak. The strongest, proudest Dogwood was felled and from it the cross that Jesus would carry upon his back was hewn. Jesus carried that cross to the mount, he was then nailed to it and a wreath of thorns thrust upon his brow. The cross was erected and there Jesus hung until he drew his last breath. A sword was thrust into his side to confirm his death and when the blood ceased to flow down the wood of the cross he was lowered to the ground to be carried for burial. As the blood flowed down the cross, the dogwood felt deep shame at it's part in the death of Jesus and with this shame across the land a dreadful sight began to take place..all the dogwoods in the forest withered and died. The woodcutters were then ordered to cut down all the dead dogwoods and soon nothing was left of the once mighty dogwood except for pitiful stumps. Jesus was buried and the dogwood tree forgotten. Time passed and soon it was spring across the land. A time for renewal of life. As the land began to bloom with new life, it was noticed that from all the dogwood stumps new spindly shoots were emerging. Just as Jesus arose from his grave, the dogwood once again lived. As spring advanced the new shoots grew tall, yet crooked and weak. Soon it was noticed that unlike the mighty dogwood of before..this new growth was beginning to bloom. God had seen the shame of the dogwood and had decided, like would continue on...but it would never again be strong and would be crooked and it could never again be choosen for such a sad service. In honor of Jesus and so that we may never forget..the dogwood bloom had four delicate white petals in the shape of the cross for which it's wood was used. Each petal is tipped in a dusky red..much like the blood that flowed from the wounds of Jesus and dried on that cross. The center looks like the crown of thorns that was placed upon the bowed head of Jesus. The dogwood blooms before it's leaves emerge in honor of the life that was sacrificed upon its wood, so that all may see and remember.
creado por: nevergo55

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Se han usado 7 gráficos para crear esta foto "the legend of zelda".
Animated Water in Sepia by ChandraBeth
Animated background
zima  christmas xmas star
Jesus On The Cross
gold glitter frame

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